What Can You DO to Receive Power?
The road less traveled. One thing you may not know about me is that I am a Minister. That my grandfather Lew, he desired to be minister then ended up in another industry. My step-father was on his way of being a Minister and ended up a Police Officer. My mother yearned to be a Nun and ended up being a homemaker.
Here I stand, stepping into the prophecy of my ancestors. But I tread FEARLESSLY to LIBERATE GOD from RELIGION. To LIBERATE JESUS from RELIGION.
God is NOT about suffering, about abuse. God did not ALLOW this in the Churches. These were DEMONS and those places were filled with FALSE LIGHT, they were places of JUDGEMENT, DEATH SUFFERING….these places were under the religious doctrine of SATAN, I kid you not and this is exactly what I have been sent to dismantle and delete, to bring us back to the TRUE POWER of GOD, of JESUS in his BEAUTY. To MARY and her POWER.
Number 1. Be obsessed with the desire to reveal God.
ESPECIALLY If you are a man and woman of God and are called to stand in front of people.
I love to prove to people that God is real. With the power of how God works through me to curse, heal or restore. In the quantum realms that is exactly what I show, what I reveal, that’s not power with me, that is power within God working THROUGH me. I have healed my child’s disease on his foot with God and him. He had a plantar’s wort that required a surgical procedure. Instead I said, “okay Luca, let’s pray. Close your eyes and imagine what I am saying to be true” and then I proceeded to lay hands on his foot with the language of healing and by morning, the ailment was gone and surgery cancelled. I have so many stories and when I release my memoirs you will get the tea, but until then…. trust is mandatory. If you have no trust, then faith will be loose, this is why Jesus couldn’t heal the people in his own village he was “just” Jesus, but throughout the nations he healed humanity. WILD right.
If your desire brings forth power it will bring forth fear and it’s not fear of you it’s feat of God. Without God within you life should be feared, this is not fear mongering, this is spiritual wisdom. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witness (Acts 1:8).
Number 2: Earnestly become OBSESSED with seeing God.
There is a difference in wanting to display God and see God. Become attracted to difficult situations because God will show himself. I was called to a life of service. First I was a teacher of young vulnerable children; I worked in the projects, I was called to change the lives of the most difficult situations. Then I was called to social work with children’s services, I worked in the depths of Hell.
Looking back I see my entire life I was walking through difficult situations. I had to live this life in order to SEE God as clearly as I do know. When I see a challenge I put my seat belt on. How could I have known God if I lived on a bed of roses?? WHOOOOOOSHHH. That's why you hear how God has tested his biggest soldiers…we have even in training.
Number 3: Desire to SPEAK for God.
This doesn’t mean to preach his word. If no one speaks to people how will they hear? The power of God is transmuted through words. The nucleus is transmitted through words, sometimes it’s laying hands but the frequency of the word is more powerful than laying hands. This is the essence of how I teach, preach and guide us in my day to day work with my clients and whoever I meet on the street. This is DESIRE.
When I see sickness I don’t pray for healing, I already know what Jesus did concerning sickness. Jesus didn't get beaten up so you can pray about sickness. Do you think his body was torn into pieces so you can THINK about healing. WE WERE HEALED. NOT WE WILL BE. You don’t come to God and ASK him to Heal you, that’s insulting to GOD! SAY LESS. HUMBLE yourself and KNOW.
True humility is a decisions. God says humble yourself. You can go to church but if you live in Pride and Ego then you are simply going to church to save face. That is why people JUDGE churches.
Today you say From TODAY poverty is not an option.
From TODAY DEATH is no more. From TODAY you will RECEIVE the POWER OF GOD, a KNOWING. From TODAY, FEAR does NOT EXIST! This is repeated 365 times in the bible, “FEAR NOT”.
If you are looking to find your way back to the one and have been defied by the churches, turned away, judged, maybe abused by people who say or pretend they represent “God”. I am SORRY. This is my speaking for God. I am SORRY that wasn’t ‘supposed to be and I love you and would never let that happen to you. That was not of ME and was of the Devil. I am within you not outside of you.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13
You see fam, as unorthodox as I am in my teachings that is exactly why I AM the way I AM. To reach the people I do. If I didn’t show up exactly how I do, with my tattoos, my long blonde hair, my mixed and blended family, my teenager and young woman HISTORY…who would I be to preach the word of God through God. I am the living, breathing testimony. I am forgiveness. I have humbled to my mistakes and now, wow NOW living in power is different. NOW I can live the way I do and holy moly life is GOOD, GOD IS SO GOOD.
If you ever want to chat about this journey or you have a prayer request you can contact me via email at hello@noranivens.com may the Lord cover you every step you take.
Love Nora