How Do You Work With Your Spiritual Gifts and The Home Space?

As a small business owner (Nivens & Co) and partner in a commercial construction company my knowledge of building and home spaces is well equipped with professional experience. Because I am a mystic and can read energy and help a human’s soul find their way to their purpose through mindset coaching, quantum hypnosis and mediumship readings, it’s easy for me to help them find their perfect “soul space”; Your home should represent you are at a SOUL level. It should be filled with things you love, that support your growth in the outside world. You should LOVE coming home into YOUR space. Whether you rent a room or own a mansion or a farm, I am able to work with the Body and Soul to then incorporate a design plan or deco plan to support what you need at the highest vibration. I also have a team that includes an image consultant and hair stylist, an architect and contractor, we truly are a one of a kind multi dimensional company.

Do I Have to Hire You For The Home Space or Can I Hire Your for the Spiritual Coaching, Readings or Hypnotic Healing?

No you don’t! I am available for 1:1 Readings, Coaching, Public Speaking Events and more! You can find out what I offer HERE. Working in the home space is just one facet of Soul Spaces. My love for the metaphysical and Quantum worlds is truly a passion.

Can You Predict The Future?

As a hybrid angelic/earthly human, I can see into the other dimensions and timelines of the soul(s) that are in my energy field. That means I can see multiple timelines for your soul as spirit shows it to me. This is to maximize your foresight into how you can align best to your highest timeline or where the “wobbles” may be for other “timelines”. They are never to be relied upon as “fact” as I see and work in a myriad of ways often piecing a story together with my client as visions and other energetic forces fall into the field.

Will the “person” I want “contact” with come through?

More often than not if a spirit and soul are reunified in the next dimension and want to communicate with you for unresolved matters, support or just because they are feeling playful then yes. Sometimes holding intention for them, holding a photo of them, having a talisman of theirs, praying to them, thinking of them, calling their name or journaling about them will allow them to hear through the veil and then use me as a conduit for their energetic exchange through the dimensions. What I can say, is the soul & spirit information that is shared, is always what is needed most at the time even if we don’t expect what we experience.

How do you know your connecting with the right spirit and not a demon?

I didn’t start offering my services until I completed my own journey of mentorship and learned the etheric Quantum Terrain was well as my own spiritual capacity to hold these energetic messages for my clients. As a trauma informed professional, I felt it necessary to do my own deep healing and Grief studies and work before I could provide what’s often referred to as “spiritual therapy” during our sessions. I set up a sacred and protected space with prayer to the highest, I use scents that demons can’t stand the smell of, I also use light language (tongues) to enforce a strict rule of the types of spirits I permit in our shared space and field.

What if I don’t get what I am looking for?

Unfortunately in the world I work and live in I work on Spirit’s divine timing and intervention. I am a vehicle for the transmission that your soul and spirit truly do require at the time. In this life it’s often not about what we “want” but what our soul and spirit “need” from the highest of consciousness and energetic ethers; Within our bodies lies the Quantum Terrain, we often require our soul and spirit to be anchored in our physical bodies to live in a digestible manner on Earth. With that being said I work in a myriad of ways through the light of 144,000 suns, the 24 elders, Yeshua, The Holy One, Star Families and more; I trust that your Guardianship and team know exactly what you need at the time of our session whether we know it during the call or not.

What if You’re Wrong?

I love this question. I see timelines sometimes the immediate present, future or past. I also connect with different dimensions that could be occurring simultaneously, yet all we have it the “now”. The beauty of our “human” is we have “free will”. It was given to us in the Edenic Garden (Earth) and gives us the ability to create and control our own reality via different frequencies, energetic work, our worlds (SPELL-ing), our thoughts, right down to the music we listen to. I can only share what I see, feel and intuit from your guardianship team at the time of our call. It’s is up to you and your spirit and soul to hold the frequency, learn from things that come up or bypass you. Every moment is a new moment of now so the journey can change with a quick swoooosh.