Supporting Your Spiritual Journey at Home

Home. What is home? Home can mean so many things, can look so many ways, it’s definitely different for each one of us but the one thing I think we can all agree on is that HOME should feel GOOD; should reflect our soul and as our soul journey changes in depth and expansion how your home appears, what it encompasses and how it feels to you will inevitably change.

As a child, home wasn’t a happy place a lot of the time. I dreaded being boxed in those powder blue walls with those 80 style boarded walls, you know the type that adorned every house during that time. I often spent a lot of my time in the bathtub with my barbie dolls lost in a fantasy world; to this day the bath is a place where I escape but in tranquility and the Quantum not out of fight, flight or fawn; water was my natural element to take me out of my body (and tropically I am a Cancer and my Moon is in no surprise there).

There is so much more to build on the work of Golden Age Astrology and the impact the planets have on our daily lives. I am so blessed in my community and working with Krista Reierson with Chalice Grove on our Amazing SOUL TRANSFORMATIONS will only open the channel to INNERstand how your natal chart directly impacts your human and your home.

Now, present day, memories of my childhood home no longer create a response in my nervous system, maybe it’s because of the healing journey I have taken, the plant medicines such as Iboga which was life changing (watch about this miracle medicine here) that have intercepted and healed the trauma in my bones… BUT NOW I can remember that space objectively, with love, and adoration, sending strength to the little me in that time line. It’s fascinating that we can alter time lines through the ascension to heal the present day trauma that has been caused and in doing so heal our own offspring (but we dive into that in my coaching and quantum calls).

Now, fast forward how many years I am “home”. I lay on the white fluffy carpet as I write these words. The soft hum of the gas fireplace in my ears. The children are giggling in the distance as they are occupied with a colouring “contest” and the smell of frankincense journeys into my field. If I look around the palette is mostly neutral with a multi metal mixture of fixtures; I was never the type to be boxed in by structure so having different elemental metals throughout the house compliment the space beautifully. Kind of like my jewellery, I wear gold, white gold and silver …usually all at once and that’s just who I am, Mutlidimensional.

Maybe you love onyx, are earthy like the roots of a tree and gold sparks your drive in the world; Maybe in your house we have onxy light fixtures, wooden statues and decor ranging from oak to cherry and vintage gold fixtures adorned with modern black curved furniture and big accent tables with simple greenery in the large vases.

Maybe your essence requires a journey through the forest into the looking glass of Alice and Wonderland; In your space we will choose black fixtures, a black and white checkered backsplash, pops of colour In the decor and big WHITE oversized couches with surprise wallpapers in the cupboard backings. There will be mirrors of different shapes and sizes on your feature wall with sconse lights and a wooden feature ceiling.

Do you see the fun that comes with working with the elements of spirit in the home space? We are tuning into a time of the Golden Age where thriving at home after we are doing the soul work is CRUCIAL to our success in the internal and external worlds. When we walk through the doors after being out in the madness of the world a sigh of comfort, smells that evoke emotion, visual aids that carry us into a state of PEACE while enjoying our space with our family, animals or ourselves is omnipresent..king of like God, the creator. A place to retreat, recharge, reignite the power within us so we can go out and make the world a better place every time we leave our home. THAT is the mission; to create a space that supports our spirit, our soul, our mental health, our goals for who we are in the world! It all starts within us then within our home… the rest follows.

I have this VISION that is SO deep and SO expansive for humanity, to work with the soul and spirit with my gifts in such a depth that it will then turn into the journey of transforming your space…’s ENCHANTMENT, it’s GRITTY, it’s GRACEFUL and a service every single human should experience on some level.

Maybe today you do one or some of the below….

  • declutter your space and throw the things you haven’t used in the last year away or donate or gift them.

  • You clear out expired items in your pantry and reorganize

  • Buy yourself beautiful flowers or plants to set up in the space you like to spend the most time in quietly

  • remove the television from your room

  • change the bulbs to amber lighting

  • clean the corners of your room and reorganize the shelves, decluttering items that don’t make you feel an emotion that is ABUNDANT, PEACEFUL

  • close your eyes and imagine what your living room would look or feel like at it’s BEST vision for yourself and make a list of how you can make that happen for you

  • look up 2024 paint colours to give your space an uplift

I pray this post invites you to go deeper into your soul expansion and your home space. That these words activate a spark within you to look around your space even if it’s a rented bedroom or studio apartment so you too can envision what ultimate PEACE would look at feel like in your space.

Close your eyes, take 3 deep intentional breaths and allow your imagination and intuition guide the room design. Write it down, journal. Then make it happen in small steps.


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