It’s Your Grandmother Speaking…
I am/was very close to my grandmother Madeline on my mother’s side. She was my “end all, be all”. My entire childhood she was the person I called when I yearned for understanding and someone to just listen; she was “my Nan”. Nan transitioned in 2007, from her hospital bed leaving behind my grandfather George and all 10 of her children. Back then I was a child with a child, twenty three years old and I didn’t have it in me to go to a hospital to see my dying grandmother; I desired to remember her with her entire life and being as large as the auric field would allow.
Now, (all I can do is laugh) as the spirit of my Nan comes next to me and says, “Nora don’t you think they’ll think your crazy as a f*cking goose” (thanks Nan) for writing about her and our experience doing life together as human in form and spirit in formless. I ask Nan for support a LOT of the time; Sometimes when I go into mediation I first ask for God’s guidance and authority and if God so chooses, spirits/souls will interact. It’s like we live in a plein called Earth that has so many dimensions and I (as a Gemini/Cancer) have the ability to move through and live in. The 10th dimension and beyond is what I feel is our “Heavenly Realm” yet I feel we also are co creating and living in “Heaven on Earth” at the same time. Are you lost yet?
The moral of my story is, I consult with Nan about simple things. She was NOT into Interior Design lol she was into comfort. Her home was FULL of photos of all of her children and grandchildren, the couches were cozy and beds were a many in her apartment; there was ALWAYS a table full of food and her message to me working in the home space is always, make sure there is room for everyone in the homes you are in and a place at the table. I love her for this; a message so simple and yet so profound.
What would your Grandma want for your home space? The quirky thing about how I work.. is we can sit, have tea and ask if we have permission to bring her into space to ask her.
I love you,
Always Blessing you and your home,