The “New Year” Revolution
Another “Year” has passed. In comes “the end” of one and the “beginning” of another.
Let us start here,
“This may sound like a familiar calendar already, but there remained a key difference from what much of the world uses today: the Roman calendar year was ostensibly lunar-based, but with a moon phase cycle lasting 29.5 days, the calendar sometimes fell out of sync to the point that an additional month had to be introduced—Mercedonius—every so often to get back on track.
When Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome in 46 B.C., he sought advice from astronomers and mathematician Sosigenes to make up a new calendar based on the sun. By 45 B.C., the new Julian calendar was created, and the civil year in Rome now officially began on January 1. The Julian calendar also introduced an extra day every four years—what we now call leap years, like 2024 will be—but overestimated the length of a solar year by some 11 minutes.”
This is like True Sky Astrology versus Tropical (seasonal) astrology. A man made “time of year” where the collective is creating new goals for a new time. It’s like forgetting Optics out of astrology or the thirteenth month we are supposed to have with 28 days per month…Alas! Let’s rewrite the 2024 Rhetoric. People celebrate with drinking and alcohol, nights of debauchery followed by hangovers and booze blues. In some communities Church will be the Go to, places of worship and meditation. What is it about these man made holidays that create such a hype?
I challenge you to go back to the 28 day months, 13 months a year and follow the moon cycle. See where the “new year” lands you then? I challenge every Sunday (day of Sabbath) to be a day of creation for the new 7 day cycle so we are ever changing in our transcendence goals for the 7 days. Short term and long term planning each 7 days sounds a bit more digestible and breaks us out of the matrix.
New Year New You? WHY ARE WE WAITING. Every moment of every day we can change. Truth be told the last month I have had an awful flu. Sore throat, congestion, body aches. My body was telling me to SLOW down. To be still and because I planned my own NYE even (hello now I see, hear and feel the message) it was Spirit’s purpose to stop me in my tracks and sit with what what happening. Nothing is what it really is, yet everything is what’s happening..make sense?
I couldn’t attend my NYE morning event which was built on intension setting, intimate time with friends in nature, and exploration of a variety of healing modalities. I laid in bed, silent, reading, watching some television and just resting my mind, my body my soul and my spirit. It then had me thinking about the things I can do every week to set me up for the next week. I have always been a bit of a “rebel” with a cause and knowing that I’m not meant to fall into the rhetoric was liberating.
What can you bring forth to step out of the matrix? What can you research and meditate on to sit with the months, years and true sky astrology?
I challenge you to start your own research and celebrate the beginning of the new cycle in March!